H Joan Baez δεν πάει να τραγουδήσει στην Τουρκία

H Joan Baez δεν πάει να τραγουδήσει στην Τουρκία

Η Joan Baez είχε προγραμματίσει να τραγουδήσει στην Τουρκία, αλλά οι πολιτικές εξελίξεις την οδήγησαν να ματαιώσει την εμφάνιση. Έγραψε μάλιστα στην σελίδα της διάφορα για τις πολιτικές εξελίξεις εκεί και μας τις έστειλε ο Βασίλης Κοντόπουλος

In relation to the decision to cancel my concerts in Turkey. Of all the times I've gone into war zones, countries under dictatorships, or any other civil strife, I'm not sure I've seen anything like the immense and unpredictable danger which presents itself in today's Turkey. Never has the advice of all my risk-taking activist colleagues been so adamant that I do not put myself, and my band and crew, in the heightened danger of the nightmare which is sweeping Turkey.

My heart aches especially for the close friends I've had for decades, the new friends and musicians I've come to know, and for the Kurdish people who suffer continually and harshly.

I'm singing a Turkish song on my current tour of Europe, Nâzim Hikmet's Hiroshima child poem, and parts of Kardeş Türküler's "Tencere Tava Havasi." The response is huge, as the concern and sympathy for your country are great everywhere we go. With concern, sorrow, and confusion, I wish you strength to continue in this dark battle, and I hope to return when the darkness turns at least to grey. And we can sing together without suffering the barbaric penalties of today.

Joan Baez