Απαντήσεις Paul McCartney μέσω Twitter


Απαντήσεις του Paul σε ερωτήσεις επώνυμων και μη στο Twitter:


  1. @user8472

    @PaulMcCartney Favourite Meryl Streep movie?



.@user8472 I love Meryl Streep. Devil Wears Prada is great, although everything she does is brilliant.

9:06 PM - 20 Oct 2014
 τραγούδια που του αρέσουν


.@oeizes I've been enjoying @foofighters new track 'Something From Nothing' and @Sia 'Chandelier'

9:18 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @yourloveaway_

    @PaulMcCartney Paul , you sing in the shower?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@yourloveaway_ Yes I do - 'Singing in the Rain' or 'It's Raining Men' or 'Waterfalls'!

    9:14 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @cantadadejones

    @PaulMcCartney How old were you when you wrote your first song?????????

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@cantadadejones I was 14 years old in Liverpool. It was called 'I Lost My Little Girl'

    9:15 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @cowboysfromhelI

    @PaulMcCartney would you like to visit the moon?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@besidepotter No I don't even like rollercoasters!

  • @winonny

    @PaulMcCartney what's your favorite horror movie?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@babyIiebers Alien would be my favoruite for the bit of chest-popping!

    9:31 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @TheRyanAdams

    are you a cyborg?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@TheRyanAdams I am in fact an alien!

    9:02 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @orbitalnick

    @PaulMcCartney What's your favourite bassline to play? One you really enjoy!

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@orbitalnick At the moment it's '...For the Benefit of Mr Kite'. It's challenging!

    9:00 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @_pri3to

    @PaulMcCartney what's the first record you ever bought?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@_pri3to Gene Vincent singing Be Bop A Lula on the Capitol label which was sheer magic

    9:19 PM - 20 Oct 2014


    .@RickRubin Yes I do. I don't know quite what, but I believe in a benevolent spirit that is behind everything that we do

    9:23 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @TheLegoguy15

    @PaulMcCartney how did you come up with the song blackbird? x273

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@TheLegoguy15 I was in Scotland & was playing guitar thinking of a Bach piece that we used to play & also the civil rights situation

    8:55 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @sixtimelosers

    @PaulMcCartney who is one of your favorite film directors ?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@sixtimelosers Scorsese, Fellini and Dave Grohl!

    9:36 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @ohJOyouudidnt

    @PaulMcCartney @twitter @TwitterMusic have you ever forgotten the words to a song while you were playing it?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@ohJOyouudidnt quite regularly. I think that the people in my audience know the songs better than I do. Excuse is I've written rather a lot


    1. @declanjayyy

      @PaulMcCartney Do you ever twerk



    .@declanjayyy The last time I tweaked I was with @katyperry. She was rather good at it!

    9:21 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @AllonsyHP

    @PaulMcCartney what makes you feel better when you're in bad mood? xxx

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@AllonsyHP Drugs, Alcohol & Sex (he says with a wink)

    9:28 PM - 20 Oct 2014
  • @declanjayyy

    @PaulMcCartney is there anyone who makes you starstruck?

  • @PaulMcCartney


    .@declanjayyy Even though I've known him for a long time the nearest is probably @bobdylan

    9:24 PM - 20 Oct 2014

    - 20 Oct 2014