Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Courtney Love και άλλοι καλλιτέχνες, αντιδρούν στο εκλογικό αποτέλεσμα της νίκης του Trump...
say a prayer America
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Gonna cry my false eye lashes off tonight.
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Hitler Is Real #meinTrump
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world will never be the same. I feel Sad for the young.will never be more than the toilet, I’ve used as a symbol 4 Him. U Can’t Polish
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stock in bricks!! is that a thing? going to purchase a lot of that stock.. that wall will need plenty!! just saying #oyvey #PresidentTrump
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Good luck.
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Can't wait till trump advances LBGT righ - oh
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I have never been more nervous/scared in my life. #ElectionNight
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...fucking hell
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How can America go from Obama to Trump in 4 years?! Has someone hacked the tv channels with some mental made up film? This is insane
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