Elton John : Η προσβολή προς τον Elon Musk κατά την παραλαβή βραβείου 

Elton John
Photo by Wikimedia Commons

Ο Elton John έκανε άσεμνο αστείο για τον Elon Musk κατά την παραλαβή βραβείου στο Λονδίνο

Στα Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards τιμήθηκε ο Elton John, όπου και τιμήθηκε με το λεγόμενο Legacy Award. Το βραβείο είχε την όψη του λατινικού γράμματος "a", κάτι έκανε τον καλλιτέχνη να χρησιμοποιήσει το φλεγματικό βρετανικό χιούμορ του. Εμφανιζόμενος στη σκηνή, ο Elton John είπε : "Αυτό είναι; Αυτό είναι το βραβείο; Τι σημαίνει το "a"; Το ars@hole (σ.σ: μ@λακας) μου έρχεται στο μυαλό. Αλλά ας μη μιλήσουμε για τον Elon Musk απόψε. Ας περάσουμε καλά." 

Ο λόγος του Elton John στα βραβεία

Διαβάστε την πλήρη ομιλία του Elton John κατά την παραλαβή του βραβείου (Πηγή attitude.co.uk)

I’m honoured by this award from Attitude magazine. It means a lot because, as a gay man, I’ve always read Attitude magazine.
Thank you all for coming tonight, to see everyone in the show, not just me.
It’s been a long journey for me, with lots of ups and downs, and finally, peace of mind.
The first few years of my career were amazing and very heady, very crazy. Lots of hedonistic things done, lots of success. But I had no real happiness; I was married to my work.
Music saved me – when I was happy, and when I was miserable.
I kept working. My life turned around, and when I got sober in 1990, the thing I wanted to do the most was found a foundation to my life. During the 1980s, I sat on the sidelines and watched everyone else march and do so much for people who were being ignored in the USA and around the world. So, when I did get somewhere, I felt I had to make up for lost time. That’s why I set up the Elton John AIDS Foundation in 1992, in Atlanta. A year later, I set it up in England with Robert Keith, my dear friend. Instead of going out playing concerts, I delivered meals and saw what the real world was like. The EJAF became the real focus of my life. It gave me so much joy, so much pleasure, to honour all the people we lost in the 1980s. It’s still going strong. Now, my husband David is the CEO and chairman of the foundation, and so far, we’ve raised 600 million dollars. I’m so happy to be a gay man. I love my husband, my children – I have benefits as a gay man I never thought I’d be able to have. It’s been the most incredible success.
Thank you, David, I love you so, so, so very much. We’ve come a long way. And we’re very lucky to live in a country that gives us the rights we have. But there are still people who don’t have those rights, and I intend to fight for those rights until the day I die. Peter Tatchell is my hero, and all you guys out there, I love you so much.
Is this it? Is this the award? What does ‘A’ stand for?
‘Arsehole’ comes to mind! But let’s not talk about Elon Musk tonight – let’s have a good time!